Saturday 21 June 2008

We can find out where you live, Abu Qatada

So Abu Qatada is out of jail, purely because we won’t send him back to Jordan where he comes from. Because he’d be tortured there? No, because he’d be put on trial there and the possibility can’t be ruled out that some of the evidence in that trial might have been obtained through torture. Aah. We disapprove. But to the extent of letting him go free to live in an £800,000 house in Acton? Well, that’s a free society for you.

But his neighbours have already been quoted as saying they don’t want him there. And where’s the money come from anyway? We know, don’t we, just as we know he’s guilty as hell in Jordan wherever the evidence comes from. But if it’s really a free society, why aren’t we told his exact address? Aah. It’s not as free as that. But maybe we can find it out, and plaster it all over the web. Sorry, Abu; you’re not going to live in peace in this country, old son. It won’t take too much effort.

The general principle of setting up a left-wing private investigation service to put the addresses of proven but legally immune bastards into the public domain is worth a bit of thought.

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