Tuesday 10 June 2008

Capital Punishment

...which is how Dylan Thomas described his occasional necessary trips to London. I hate the Wen as a place to live in, as my ex-wife does in my house on my tab, but it's nice to visit occasionally. I'm principally going down to see Enormous Oaf 1 do some thesping, in the major production at Royal Holloway, as he is believed (principally, though by no means exclusively, by himself) to be shit-hot. Apart from him (he has an utterly adorable petite blonde girlfriend, as bright as a laser beam and entirely capable of keeping him in some sort of order) I don't suppose I'll meet another heterosexual all the time I'm there. London for me is a carnival of wooftery - after all straight blokes my age tend to have families and thus have to work too hard to be available for wack. Even Enormous Oaf 2 is a woofter, and we shall all enjoy several evenings where the tout ensemble is as camp as the Gulag Archipelago. As appeared on a banner in Derek Jarman's film Edward II:

Liberté, Egalité, Homosexualité

Amen to that, at least temporarily.


Nick said...

Good to see that family love and respect survive all the tribulations family brings. Enjoy your time in the big pink tent.

Tamburlaine the Great said...

Welcome back, nick. Sorry about pissing you off before - you were of course right; all suicides deserve respect for their suffering, although I do maintain there are ways of doing it that don't affect others quite as much. As a serious depressive myself I am kept out of that bracket largely by the existence of two sons and a mother (whose daughter has cancer and will be lucky to reach 40).Anyway, both sons (one gay one straight) are a delight. But one ought to think before one blogs a bit more than I do.