Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Wen Again

Break from blogging for a few days; in the Smoke, where getting internet access was far from straightforward. But the carnival of wooftery mentioned in the last post duly occurred, and was a lot of fun. In particular, two of my best friends now have Thai boyfriends over here (let in by some sudden inexplicable weakness in the Home Office’s iron front) and we were able to have many alcoholic seminars on the theme of oriental partners – how much we love them and how fucking difficult they are to manage – to an accompaniment of slammed doors, loud arguments, locked rooms and cancelled parties; all recounted with great glee to Enormous Oaf 2, who is still on his first boyfriend and in need of a warning of what may lie ahead, having already had an extended introduction to the horrors of marriage breakdown, courtesy of his parents. Still he seems actually to have involved listening to hours of clapped out drunks thirty or forty years older than himself arguing the toss about religion, science, ethics, history and the Rt. Hon. David Davis.


Ken said...

I trust that your two friends are Cambridge men? That place does seem to attract that sort.

Tamburlaine the Great said...

No - one was a contemporary of mine at Worcester and the other is a murderous, incestuous, damned Dane.