Saturday, 21 June 2008

Back to the LTV?

I am determined to revive this acronym, which all sorts of people don’t seem to have heard of, though it was current around the time of Thatcher’s first election. You don’t know what it means? Think Aneurin Bevan, think “lower than....” Goddit? Right.

Despite the horrors of New Labour and the smarmy grin of Cameron, LTV is no less appropriate an acronym than it was then. No, I don’t believe that open espousal of the cause of scabby rich bastards is better than pretending to care about other people while in fact being in love with s.r.b. Under a Tory government we’ll be dicked over quite shamelessly with a smug “That’s what the people wanted, old chap” rather than after a genuine fight. And a) remember what sort of government we got last time the Labour movement couldn’t be arsed to defend its own government, and b) what a sodding long time (and what a lot of fatal compromises) it takes to get them out once they’re entrenched. No, even if it takes a whole basketful of Polly Toynbee’s clothes-pegs, we can’t let the bastards back in.

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