Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Not exactly unexpected.....

We notice that the bodies of murdered children are being found, with probably more to come, in Jersey. One of their official representatives was being given a well-deserved grilling by Paxman last night for having said that the main issue was the maintenance of the international reputation of Jersey for the benefit of rich tax-evaders, implying that any murders of children had better be swept under the carpet for that reason.

Now, Jersey is all about rich bastards dodging their taxes. To keep taxes down you have to keep your costs down. Children in children's homes are a dead loss in economic terms. Getting rid of them makes obvious financial sense. Can anyone really expect anything else from the sort of people who run tax havens? After all, we're being told every day that making rich people obey the law will only drive them elsewhere....perhaps some new tax haven can provide an openly accessible child disposal service?

Equally unsurprisingly, I heard today from the friend who recently started work in a Chinese medicine shop. On her first day, she apparently mishandled the credit card processing machine, having received zero training in using it, and thus a customer's payment wasn't processed properly, costing the shop about £100. It wasn't spelt out, but it sounded like she will have this amount docked from her pay. Is this legal? Five will get you ten that it isn't. Do the non-unionised Chinese shops think it can be done? Five will get you ten they do.

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