Thursday, 21 February 2008

It could be peace....

Well, I may have saved myself from total implosion by striking a deal with my ex-wife (assuming the deal comes off, no more to be called the Queen Bitch, to placate my younger son, henceforth to be referred to as Enormous Oaf II). Nobody ever wins this game, except the lawyers, so I suppose the fact that I feel that it was a bit of a shit deal is a good sign. I expect she does too. As always happens on these occasions, we were being egged on by lawyers, who know that, win, lose or draw, they'll be quids in. (The question of the appropriateness of human rights for lawyers is one which will have to be gone through at greater length elsewhere. Like bankers, I can't help believing there ought to be a season for shooting them as sport.)

Anyway, I might shortly be in a position to get my life on track again...

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