Wednesday, 12 December 2007

The good guys win on all fronts....

Yes, we're winning! In Afghanistan we've whipped the Taliban's arse! In Iraq, we've done a lot to keep the head-hackers out! In Kosovo we're halfway to getting de facto independence through, against all the fascists in the world. And, nearer to home, I have the total support of my elder son in resisting the Queen Bitch in trying to grab all my money! Bastards don't win all the time! And there is no reason to support them just because one feels they might win. No, only support the good guys, chaps - you'll only feel like a bit of an arsehole later!


Nick said...

Do you really see Gordon Brown, whenever he whines on about Afghanistan or Iraq or Kosovo, as one of the good guys - or at least as a representative of the good guys? That's interesting; strange logic, but interesting.

Tamburlaine the Great said...

Not starry-eyed about Brown, but yes, on the whole he represents the good guys. The point is that the world is imperfect and everything is relative. In Afghanistan and Iraq and Kosovo our opponents are bigger bastards than we are. I'd rather have no bastards at all, but that point will take a while to reach. I'm sure Cipriano the great realist would have agreed.