Thursday, 6 December 2007

The Just War Theory

Well, it's said among those less bellicose than Cipriano that one must only wage war in self-defence. I don't always agree with that - and nor did Aristotle or St. Thomas Aquinas - but on this occasion I'll go along with it. I just got a set of legal papers from The Queen Bitch (i.e. my ex-wife) saying that I owe her a lot of money and that Sue, Grabbit and Runne are about to choke it out of me. The fact that she earns about £40k and I earn sod all, and that both our kids are over 18 and I support them, is neither here nor there. She wants money to keep her in a certain lifestyle, and of course her boyfriend, a well-known and well-off Viennese so-and-so, can't possibly be expected to provide that; it's clearly my call.

Well, one or two tricks still up the old sleeve; she's got an academic post with a bogus doctorate, for instance. How do I know this? Well, I wrote the thesis. And if I get slammed by the courts I can at least have a go at getting reimbursed by the Austrian tabloids.....

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