Thursday, 3 January 2008

Worthy but Dull

First bit of good news of 2008: I’ve now done three days off the booze (more than I managed in 2007) and I haven’t got the shakes or the screaming yips and have yet to espy any pink mice scuttling from the skirting-boards. That means any dependence I have on alcohol is psychological and not chemical. That figures – I haven’t been sleeping well (though I wasn’t in December either), I have been pretty darned grumpy, and more than anything I’ve been BORED; bored blue with green tea, grapefruit juice, Shloer and elderflower pressé, much though I like them all once in a while. Bored with not being able to sign off a day at a sensible time, but having to make it through the evening in full sobriety till the bitter end. Have got more work done than usual, but it’s all a bit uninspired. I just hope my bloody liver’s grateful.


Nick said...

Hmmm. I ought to do that too (I drink far too much red wine), but it's not an inviting prospect. It was bad enough giving up the nicotine! Good luck with it.

Tamburlaine the Great said...

Well, I couldn't quite keep it up - my boredom threshold is frighteningly low. Am allowing myself the odd glass of wine, otherwise life isn't worth living. And of course after today's abortive walk I didn't quite eschew the local pub either.