Monday, 7 January 2008

Banks! Time Libertarian-Communists Got Nasty

Stand Up! if you Hate the Banks!

How these universal oppressors are still allowed to walk the earth, without getting lynched by everyone they walk past, is a testimony to how wet we have got in the post-1945 era of European peace. I have to say I've spent the last few days reading Anthony Beevor's accounts of Stalingrad and Berlin, and been both horrified and rather impressed at how Germans and Russians treated each other, and wondered how civilised/decadent we all must be these days not to subject bank executives to similar treatment.

I arranged to move house about six weeks ago, and needed (because I don't have a regular income like a good corporate slave) to put up six months rent as deposit before moving in. Wanting to move in on 7th January (i.e. today) I gave instructions to my bank in Germany to transfer money. On December 18th. The silly sods misunderstood my instructions and I finally got them understood on 27th December. Was the money here when I needed it today? Was it fuck. After spending all day making phone calls under heavy artillery fire from all kinds of womenfolk saying it was my fault, I discovered that the bank had only activated the transfer on 2nd and 3rd January. Thus I can't move into the new place and have to move out of the old one the day after tomorrow. Meanwhile I am probably faced with another bleeding divorce. Why do we have to be so enslaved to these bloody people? None of them is ever going to encounter me again without at least a punch in the teeth, I can assure them. And once theCity of London has been levelled by the International Socialist Air Force I will be there on the outskirts shooting fugitives for certain.


Ken said...

The divorce line was serious or are you just letting rip?

Tamburlaine the Great said...

I think we've got round the problem. Asian women are gorgeous but you get a very bumpy ride. It's looked half a dozen times as though we'd got to the end of a line, and we've only been married two years. They don't take any shit, and if you don't take any either you've got a battle on your hands. (As you can probably guess I'm generalising from fairly wide experience.)

Interested to know what marriage to a Mexican is like. Yours is obviously a bit less insanely jealous than mine, otherwise you'd be missing a pair of huevos by now....